Live Webinar

Cybersecurity Awareness Turns 20:

Cybersecurity Tools and Trends You Can’t Miss

Did you know that October marks the 20th anniversary of Cybersecurity Awareness Month? Over the years, you’ve probably become all too aware of the constant threat of cybercriminals and the risks they pose to your business. The good news is that cybersecurity doesn’t have to be scary. It can be easy to adopt secure habits and get peace of mind that your valuable data is safe from digital crime.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month’s mission is to educate everyone that there are many ways to protect your data and that even practicing cybersecurity basics can make a huge difference.

In the spirit of education and empowerment, we’ve created a webinar from the cybersecurity experts at 1nteger Security to learn about how far cybersecurity has come, up-to-date trends, and simple steps you can take today to secure your information.

The goal of Cybersecurity Awareness Month is to promote positive behavior change, in October and every day. 1nteger Security has been in the trenches fighting cybercrime since the 2010s and supports clients all over the U.S. with industry-leading managed cybersecurity solutions.  Our dedicated team helps clients prevent attackers from gaining footholds into their networks, misconfigurations, missing patches, inadequate patches, end user mistakes and beyond.

Download the webinar and learn simple actions you can take to keep your “windows” and “doors” locked from cybercriminals. We cover what the businesses of today need to know about cybersecurity, including:

  • Current cybersecurity trends
  • Features already available in M365 that you can use to improve cybersecurity
  • How to assess your current level of cyber-preparedness
  • Small changes that can significantly improve your cyber hygiene
  • Available resources to aid you on your journey to cyber resilience

Download the webinar!


David D’Agostino

Vice President

David has over 25 years of proven experience in the IT and security space. Throughout his career David has developed and grown Managed Network and Security Services that have serviced hundreds of organizations from Fortune 500 to small businesses and subcontractors. His primary focus over the past 10 years has been on IT Security solutions and services. David believes in a defense-in-depth strategy to help organizations reduce risk, improve cyber resilience, and meet compliance requirements.

Jason Griffin

Vice President of Cybersecurity Sales

With 23 years of experience in IT and Security, Jason has witnessed the transforming definition of Cybersecurity. He has maintained involvement with many clients as they navigate the forever changing landscape to maintain compliance or cyber hygiene. Aligning to a framework and maintaining accountability have been the key ingredients to success in his experience. Jason uses his knowledge and experience to help clients achieve their desired results through a combination of tools, process, and projects.